The Art of Georgian Cheese

cheesemee history
Get ready for a delightful journey that your taste buds are about to experience. With a legacy spanning an impressive 4000 years, Georgia is one of Europe’s and the world's oldest cheese producers. The evidence is in the archaeological discoveries, where cheese storage vessels were unearthed in one of Georgia's regions, showcasing the country's deep-rooted connection to this beloved dairy art.
Georgian cheese history
cheesemee regions
Georgian cheese has come a long way, becoming an authentic culinary discovery for cheese enthusiasts worldwide. The remarkable diversity of climatic conditions and rich ethnocultural tapestry found in each region has given rise to a captivating array of cheese varieties, each with distinct characteristics that embody the essence of their respective areas. Whether exploring the rugged mountains of the north or the scenic coastlines of the south, you're in for a culinary adventure celebrating each region's unique flavours and traditions.
Georgian cheese regions
cheesemee quality
“What makes Georgian cheese so unique?” you might ask. Well, it is the raw milk that Georgia's livestock bask in a pristine environment - the majestic alpine pastures, situated 1800-2000 meters above sea level. This exceptional quality milk forms the foundation of our traditional cheese, infusing it with richness and purity. Combining the region's natural splendour with meticulous craftsmanship, we bring authentic artisan cheeses that embody exquisite flavours and uncompromising quality.
Georgian high quality artisan cheese
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About us

We believe Georgia has much to tell the world about its traditional gastronomy. Our belief in the uniqueness of Georgian artisan cheese led us to start working with local milk processing enterprises. For years our company - Incoway LLC has been working with local food and beverage producers.
We’ve been introducing local food producers to modern technologies and assisting them with their products' certification, promotion, branding and reaching out to the export market. We pay particular attention to…

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